Bill Frisell & Gard Nilssen
Artist in Residence
In the duo format, you have to be able to lean the entire weight in as well as out — a negotiation of space, position, and ideas is highly visible, highly audible. Now, imagine playing with your musical hero in precisely this format. - It's the greatest honor and dream to ever be a part of!
The first time Bill Frisell came to Molde was as part of Arild Andersen's dream band in 1981 – a story that can't be told too often.
A few years later, a 17-year-old boy in Skien discovers what will become his greatest musical hero.
"I remember Even Hermansen – also from Skien, and a year older – used to introduce me to music. He handed me a record called Good Dog, Happy Man. And since then, we've delved deep into it. Have a Little Faith, for example. I listened to that stuff endlessly."
Nilssen previously brushed shoulders with Frisell when, as Artist in Residence in 2019, he got to sit in on Frisell's duo concert with bassist Thomas Morgan.
"At the time, I told Hans Olav that my biggest dream was to play with Bill Frisell. And he made it happen!"
Frisell's influence on generations of young musicians seems enormous. Pervasive, in fact. But what is it about Bill Frisell that has inspired so many?
For Nilssen, it's primarily Frisell's open approach to collaboration and improvisation, and the fantastic tone he gets from his guitar.
"I fall in love as soon as I hear it. It's beautiful, but it also has an edge. In addition to always creating cool songs, he has always played with really great drummers. People who solve things in anything but a straight way."
This has had a significant impact on how Nilssen plays in other bands, trying to find other solutions.
"Like Paul Motian and Joey Baron. And then there's something about how they tune their drums. Usually, jazz bass drums are tuned brightly, while his are tuned deep. And he usually has a cowbell in his setup and dry cymbals that are taped up. Kenny Wollesen also plays on a deep bass drum."
Experimentation and sincerity permeate Frisell's music, as well as a distinct articulation.
"As he says in the book, 'I’m just trying not to shut anything out.' It's a bit raw to play as a duo, just him and me. When there's no bass defining the sound, Bill is freer and so am I. When I was a guest with Morgan and Frisell in 2019, the sound check was the coolest – it was even more fun than the concert! You learn something about collaboration during the short rehearsal. And maybe that's why the sound check was so fun, because it was the first meeting."
Nilssen has also played a lot of duo, including with André Roligheten, Morten Qvenild, Stian Westerhus, mentioned Even Hermansen, and Ståle Storløkken.
"Personal chemistry matters a lot, and there's always excitement associated with the first meeting. It usually becomes easier if you have common references, but also friction if you don't. Needless to say, but I'm REALLY looking forward to this!"
Be prepared for what might arise at the next meeting between Nilssen and Frisell on Thursday, July 18th.
This concert has standing audience.
Concerts in our main program typically last between 60 to 90 minutes.
In Alexandraparken, there is an age limit of 18 years from 7:00 PM.
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While you wait, listen to Good Dog, Happy Man below. Nilssen's first experience with Frisell's music.